When my wife got her first e-bike, she didn’t have a helmet to go along with it. In fact, she didn’t ride at all or have any gear, having loved biking before having a kid, and not being able to drag her son Sawyer around with her up the San Francisco Hills. She sold her bicycle, gave away her helmet and gloves, and then one day she discovered e-bikes. The world opened up again.
After admiring her adorable little beach cruiser, she headed out to our local bike shop Huckleberry, to find a helmet cute enough to match her new ride. Everything Huckleberry carries is solid, but nothing felt like a match for Rebecca’s style. After trying on and rejecting most of the options in the store, she saw one box that said Thousand® on it, and a hint of rose gold peeking out through the finger hole. “What’s this one?” she asked. The hipster shop guy told her “that’s Thousand®, a great brand and one we just got in a bunch of new helmets that are still in the back.”
There ended up being no need to go to the back, the single helmet in the front was the perfect size, and fit beautifully. Rebecca said, “it was so cute and shiny and didn’t make my head look giant. I have never loved a helmet before! They are important so I always wear one, but never something that accentuated an outfit. With this one, it has a sweet little brim so I don’t need sunglasses, and is honestly more like another piece of jewelry than a protective device.”
Now after a lot of evaluation of numerous helmet brands, we here at Journey Bikes can confidently say that Thousand® is our go-to brand and we regularly recommend them to all of our customers. Each model has proven to have the ease of use, reliability and stylish flair that we have come to love!